About Me

Peter King was born with the Ocean flowing through his veins. Swimming as soon as he was able to walk, a love for surfing followed soon after. Growing up with two bothers who equally loved the water, much of his early years was spent adventuring to some of the greatest surf spots in the world. During a successful career as a land surveyor, Peter was able to explore the rich and vast landscapes of Australia. He notes that he feels the most fulfilled and inspired when he is outside exploring the beauty of this country.

Peter has experienced various hardships throughout his life; however the unfortunate and sudden passing of his Brothers and a battle with Prostate Cancer forced him to stop and really assess the life he was currently living. Despite these difficult experiences, Peter credits these moments with giving him a new and invigorating lease on life. Refusing to let any moment pass him by, Peter reignited his love for marathon running, travel, and discovered the excitement of photography. It is through this medium that Peter has found a determination within himself to live the best life he can- and now, in his 70’s he can happily say he is doing just that.

Peter hopes that his works can inspire and invigorate you to enjoy and savour every moment this great life has to offer.